HeartSmartKids Benefits

  • Enhances care by increasing provider efficiency and facilitating early detection and prevention.
  • The HSK automated interview collects guideline-recommended lifestyle information without requiring provider time. Limited appointment time can thus be focused on counseling in problem areas.
  • The HSK system performs calculations and plotting required for growth charts, BP-for-age-and-height, and behavioral health screening. Computerizing these steps saves staff time and eliminates calculation and plotting errors.
  • The HeartPrint provides a visual and compact summary of a patient’s risk profile. Patients can more easily understand their situation and at-risk patients are easily detected so that intervention can begin early.
  • Using charts and numbers to describe the risk profile can help overcome the emotional nature of counseling.
  • An optional recommendations sheet, based upon national guidelines, can be given to the family or patient and form the basis for healthy lifestyle changes.
  • Published health research is included in the HeartPrint and optional recommendations. This information is updated by the HSK team to reflect current best evidence and practice.
  • Multilingual interview and recommendations facilitate communication with Spanish-speaking patients.